History - Spiritus Domini replevit

Mar 27, 2024 (CantorCole)

Improved the Incipit

"(c4) The(d) Spi(d)rit(fhg)rit of(gh~) of(h) the(h/ghGF'g) Lord(gf..) *(,) has(fh) filled(jjk) the(j) whole(kl~) world,(jjj/gjj) (,) al(h)le(hv./fhg)l\u00fa(ghg___)ia.(g.) (:) And (fg) that(gjj) which(g) con(gjij)tains(hiHG'hh_g) all(g!h'j~) things,(j.) (;) un(ijk~)der(k_j)stands(jjj/hih.___) what(kl) is(j) said,(jjjh.) (;) al(hg~)le(f!g'h)l\u00fa(hg/hv_GF)ia,(f.) (,) al(f!h'j~)le(j)l\u00fa(ji/jhj~)ia,(ijHG.) (,) al(gh~)le(hv./fhg)l\u00fa(ghg___)ia.(g.) <i>Ps.</i> (::) Let(g) God(hg) a(gj)rise;(j.) (,) let(j) his(ji) foes(jk) be(k) scat(jk)ttered.(j.) :(:) Let(jh~) those(hj) who(j) hate(j) him(j) flee(jji) from(gh) his(ji) pre(h)sence.(ghd___/ffg.) (::)"